Mental Health and Healthy Eating

LCA News and Information

by Diane Cerven, LPCC

Self care is the building block of our mental and physical health. Every piece of care that we can add to our lives will only increase our mental and physical health. We’ve talked about how our physical and mental health are connected. One way that we take care of our mental health is by eating healthy.

A healthy plate of food.
Don’t let your emotions control your eating; use healthy eating to control your emotions.

Food and Our Emotions

Food is fuel and when we feed ourselves foods that are unhealthy or nutritionally lacking, we only hurt ourselves.  Sure, our bellies may feel full but our bodies are crying for what it needs to feel good, be better, and take care of ourselves.  Striving to eat the best options most of the time is realistic and doable.  Our minds will often have cravings to deal with emotions, mostly unhealthy cravings.  Satisfying our unhealthy cravings by eating unhealthy food makes our emotions worse.  The field of nutritional psychiatry shows a link between healthy eating and our emotions.  Nutritional psychiatry has also shown that having a healthy stomach environment by taking a probiotic and cutting out processed foods and artificial sugars improves our emotional health and can improve mental health symptoms.  Eating healthy helps and keeps our stomach healthy too.  Don’t we all want that?  Who knew that what we eat could play such a big role in our mental health?  You can read more about nutritional psychiatry here.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and minerals our bodies need.  Try eating a minimum of three servings of each a day. Eat the ones you like and try something new.  Make sure to mix it up. Different foods have different nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins that are important for us.  Eating seasonal helps you mix it up.  Try eating your foods too, not drinking them, unless you blend the whole fruit with skin. It’s important to have the fiber along with the rest. Fruit juice may taste good, but you’re not getting that healthy fiber.

Don’t Forget Protein

Protein is important too, but not too much.  Make sure to have healthy protein by watching the fat content.  You can get your protein from vegetables too, all vegetables and fruit have some protein but I’m talking about beans, soy products and lentils. There are a lot of options. Then there are starches and grains such as wheat, rice, oats, potatoes, and corn. They are also important because each have their own nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.  As a word of caution, for those who have allergies to any of the suggestions above, be very conscious of food choices and quantity.

A healthy salad bar of vegetables.

By taking care of your body, it will take care of your mind.

Fruits, vegetables, protein, and grains are the building blocks of good nutrition.  By taking care of your body, it will take care of your mind. Since it’s all connected, food does affect our ability to control our emotions.  Nutritional psychiatry has shown improvement in depression through diet.  It is recommended to try eating clean for 2-3 three weeks and monitor how you feel.  This is important in children too, as they will get the same benefit.  Don’t let your emotions control your eating; use healthy eating to control your emotions.

Caffeine can have different effects on our mental health. Of course, many of us like to have some in the morning as an eye opener and to get the day started. However, caffeine is not friends with anxiety and anger. With anxiety and anger, our bodies are already on red alert.  We’re in the fight, flight, or freeze mode.  Our heart rate has increased and our digestion has decreased. Our bodies are ready to take on that tiger, but most of the time anxiety has nothing to do with a tiger.  When adding caffeine to this already heightened response, our heart rate can increase more, causing stress on our system.  I like to remind people that caffeine is not friends with anxiety or anger and to use in moderation if they struggle with either of these.

Need More Help

Coping and self care skills of all types are helpful ways of dealing with our emotions.  Mental illnesses like depression, generalized anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, OCD, etc. may need help from a qualified Mental Health Professional.  If you need more help, we’re here for you.  To schedule a counseling appointment, call us at 218-366-9229 (Park Rapids) or 218-444-2233 (Bemidji).  For those interested, I offer Christian counseling out of the Park Rapids office.  Please let our office support staff (and me) know that you are interested in Christian counseling.  Please check out our staff bios here.


Diane Cerven, LPCC

Want to read more about distraction skills and mental grounding skills?

How to Calm Yourself

Mental Grounding as a Coping Skill

Exercise and it’s Benefit for our Mental Health
Setting Boundaries by Saying No is Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Feedback from LCA clients:

My children's counselors are awesome.  I've seen huge progress in both my kids.

My counselor helps me out when I need it most.  I can always count on them to say the right things, even when I don't want to hear it.

I love coming to LCA.  Everybody is so friendly and make you feel so much better.

Location is great and the staff is excellent with customer service.  Therapy is also professional and comfortable.

I like that the staff are flexible with scheduling.

Friendly and helpful atmosphere.  Feel at ease walking in.

They matched me with the perfect therapist!

When we come in for an appointment, the reception staff always has a friendly smile on her face.

Everyone was very helpful.  I'm glad I called to get help!

The staff have good attitudes and open minds.

I am so thankful I was directed here!

They gave me hope for the future.  Life saving.

I'm so appreciative of my therapist's knowledge, skill and understanding.

I found scheduling flexible to my needs.

Easy to get to.  Very friendly people willing to help.

They work with your schedule and do whatever they can to help you.

I had a person to talk with about my problems and my problems are getting better.

Greatly appreciate having the option of Christian Counseling and being able to filter issues through that lens!

My child's therapist is awesome!  So helpful and relates well to the whole family.

Our counselor wanted to meet our entire family to find out how to better help our son.  She offered lots of suggestions and things to help us in the long term.

I always feel that my therapist is listening to what I have to say and helping me come up with practical ways to deal with things.

Good location, feels very professional and confidential!

They were open to my opinion of which counselor I see.

My son and daughter are making steps toward our family goals!

I love the comfortable feel in the office.

I appreciate the text/phone reminders.

It is a very comfortable atmosphere.  Everyone is flexible and understanding!

She's thinking through things with me instead of just giving directions.  It shows that she cares.

I have a great therapist.  I appreciate her assistance!

Quick and easy to get an appointment.  Friendly, helpful staff.

All the staff were friendly and helpful.  They answered all my questions.

My therapist is a life saver! :-)

The receptionist knew my name after the second visit...very friendly!

Therapy at LCA has helped my progress immensely!

My therapist is great!  Of all the therapists we've had over the years, she understands our family and kids the best.  Very helpful!

I appreciated being treated normally, even though I was getting help with a difficult situation.

My ARMHS staff is awesome!  She has helped me make progress in many areas of my life.  I have better relationships now.

The receptionist staff have been amazing.  They are friendly and caring.  You can tell they enjoy their job.

Listens to both my child and me.  Getting us through some very difficult times with care and compassion.

My therapist understands my child's needs and listens.

Her thoughtfulness and her knowledge of helping people with depression is what I need to achieve my goals!

The staff members are always well informed and ready to help/answer questions.

Talking with my therapist is helping, instead of holding it all in.

Easy to work with.  You can tell they genuinely care about their clients.

The front desk staff had a positive attitude and was patient with me.

Very welcoming place.  We love our therapist!

My therapist was very, very kind and is an awesome problem solver.

Meeting with my therapist has been making my life and relationships a lot less stressful.

You are all warm, welcoming and so very helpful!  Thank you!!

The appointment times work well with my schedule.  My children get along well with their therapists.

Easy to work with.  Made me feel comfortable!


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Office Hours

Park Rapids Office

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
    8:00 to 5:00
  • Wednesday
    8:00 to 7:00
  • Friday
    8:00 to 1:00

Bemidji Office

  • Monday – Thursday
    8:00 to 5:00
  • Friday
    8:00 to 12:00

Menahga Office

  • Open by appointment

LCA offices may be closed over the noon hour. 

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Park Rapids Office Phone:

Bemidji Office Phone:

Menahga Office Phone:

LCA Fax Number (all offices):


24-Hour Crisis Line:

LCA News and Information